I am now pursing the Ph.D. degree in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. I am very fortune to be advised by Dr. Xiang Yu and Prof. Li Cheng.
I graduated from the School of Transportation Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology with a bachelor’s degree and from the School of Qilu Transportation, Shandong University with a master’s degree.
My research interests includes audio-visual localization, physics-informed neural network, obejct detection, objetc tracking, and semantic segmentation. I have published papers at the top international conferences and journals. I am also the reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement and Automation in Construction. If you are seeking any form of academic cooperation, please feel free to email me at devin.pi@connect.polyu.hk.
🔥 News
- 2024.12 🎯 I have passed the PhD Candidate Confirmation!
- 2024.12 🎉 A paper was accepted by TIM!
- 2024.08 🎉 I have participated in INTER-NOISE conference in Nantes, France!
- 2023.09 🎉 My google scholar citations have exceeded 100!
- 2023.05 🎉 The Ph.D. journey begins!
📝 Publications
👂Sound Source Localization

Uncertainty Estimation for Sound Source Localization with Deep Learning
Rendong Pi and Xiang Yu.
- In this work, we propose a novel framework for SSL that not only delivers the state-of-the-art localization performance, but also provides reliable uncertainty estimations.
🚗 Object Detection & Tracking

Advancing UAV-based Inspection System: The USSA-Net Segmentation Approach to Crack Quantification
Kwai-Wa Tse, Rendong Pi,Wenyu Yang, Xiang Yu, and Chih-Yung Wen et al.
- This work proposed a system based on unmanned aerial vechicle can successfully segment various cracks and calculate the related dimensions.

A Novel Real-Time Autonomous Crack Inspection System Based on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Kwai-Wa Tse, Rendong Pi, Yuxiang Sun, Chih-Yung Wen et al.
- This work proposed a system based on unmanned aerial vechicle can successfully detect and classify various types of cracks.

Object Tracking Based on the Fusion of Roadside LiDAR and Camera Data
Shujian Wang, Rendong Pi, Jian Li, Xinming Guo et al.
- This work proposed a method to achieve object tracking based on the fusion of roadside LiDAR and camera data.
🎖 Honors and Awards
- 2024.11 Merit Award recipient of the ME Research Presentation Competition
- 2022.03 Outstanding Graduates, in Shandong Province
- 2021.10 National Scholarship (Postgraduate)
- 2019.09 The First Prize of Postgraduate Scholarship, at Shandong University
📖 Educations
- 2019.06 - 2022.04, Master, School of Qilu Tranportation, Shandong University, Jinan.
- 2014.09 - 2018.06, Undergraduate, School of Transportation Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin.